Canadian Financial News - Saving For A Down Payment

End Of Year Tax-loss selling

Original post by John Heinzl – Investment Reporter at the The Globe and Mail. Tax-loss selling: If you’re dumping your dogs, read this first

The holiday season is fast approaching and people’s thoughts are naturally turning to friends, family … and that other cherished year-end tradition: tax-loss selling.

What is tax-loss selling, in what circumstances should you do it, and what are some potential traps to watch out for? That’s the subject of today’s column. Read more

3 Ways To Pay Less Tax In 2014

3 Ways To Pay Less Tax In 2014

Wouldn’t it be great to pay thousands less in tax this year? What would you do with the extra money? Splurge on a warm winter holiday? Or pay off the holiday spending on your credit cards? You can slash your taxes for 2014 by following three easy steps, but you have to complete them before year end. Below are your 3 Ways To Pay Less Tax In 2014 Read more