Some Key Points From The BC Budget

Some Key Points From The BC Budget

Photo: tdlucas5000

The BC government has announced a balanced budget for the third consecutive year. They released a document and below are some key points from the BC budget:

  1. The government forecasts the B.C. economy to grow by 2.3% in 2015, 2.4% in 2016 and 2.3% in 2017.
  2. The government is committing a further $2 million to the Buy Local program to help farmers and food processors promote their B.C. products.
  3. Up to $3 million will be allocated over three years to draw more shipping companies, and their head offices, to Vancouver
  4. There will be more help for employers and apprentices with an extension to the training tax credits. This will now run to the end of 2017
  5. There will be a one-year increase of $3 million to the Small Business Venture Capital tax credit program.
  6. The government have reduced the rate of health funding increases to an annual average of under 3%.
  7. There will be additional dollars to support those individuals and families who are most in need.  With $106 million for Community Living BC to support people with developmental disabilities.

Read the full BC Budget